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Albert Orsborn wrote this song in 1908, when he was a captain, stationed at Lowestoft Corps with a lieutenant. During the winter months, when there were no visitors and the congregations were smaller, the corps officers became discouraged. One day, in their morning prayers, the lieutenant said, “Give us, O Lord, faith for greater things.” Immediately afterwards, Captain Orsborn wrote this song.

What a work the Lord has done

By his saving grace;

Let us praise him, every one,

In his holy place.

He has saved us gloriously,

Led us onward faithfully,

Yet he promised we should see

Even greater things.

Greater things! Greater things!

Give us faith, O Lord, we pray,

Faith for greater things.

Sanctify thy name, O Lord,

By thy people here,

For the altar or the sword!

Save us from our fear

When the battle rages fast;

Help us in the fiery blast,

Let us not be overcast,

Prove thy greater things.

Every comrade, Lord, we pray,

Thou wilt richly bless;

Lead us forth into the fray,

One in holiness,

One in faith and harmony,

One in perfect charity;

Then we know that we shall see

Even greater things.

Attempting to do 10,000 steps a day I have a local route that takes me up Highgate Road. Over several days I observed builders putting up scaffolding round a house. It was a job done very carefully, with the men ensuring that the scaffolding was level and well-balanced. After paying attention to the structure of the scaffolding with meticulous detail the builders are now ready to do the job they are there for, namely, to replace the roof tiles.

I noted the time it took to put the scaffolding in place for the men to safely get up to the roof.

It set me thinking around a few verses in John’s Gospel.

In John 1 verse 50 says, Jesus said, “You will see much greater things than this!”

Jesus gave the same promise to the disciples when they were sat round the table at the Last Supper : “I am telling you the truth: whoever believes in me will do what I do – yes, he will do even greater things, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask for in my name, so that the Father’s glory will be shown through the Son. If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it.” (John 14 vv 12 – 14)

The challenge to me is : am I ready for God to do his ‘greater things’ through me?

And how do I prepare myself for him to do his God-glorifying work?

In other words, is the “spiritual scaffolding” in place within me so that the Lord can use me for his Kingdom?

Part of the answer is the quality of my devotional life – the time I give to reading and taking in God’s Word, the Bible, and the attention I give to prayer and reflection.

Do you think it is a challenge for us all, as a corps, to consider?

Several Christian leaders have observed that during this time of lockdown more people have been searching online about issues such as prayer, forgiveness and worship.

It has also been noted that more people are accessing online worship services than have attended church services in the past.

The challenge that has been issued is that when we re-open for ‘normal’ worship we should be ready to welcome more people into our fellowship. If people are searching for meaning and for God are we ready, personally and as a corps?

From the Army’s founder, William Booth, comes a watchword for the challenges of the future. “The Army’s future depends upon the Army. If she is energetic and faithful and steadfast, she will go branching out, this way and that, going from great to greater things. If she is slothful and slackens her zeal, she will perish. Yes, I hope she will perish and be swept away, for dead things should not encumber the ground but should make place for the living.”

Quoted in Christianity in Action by Colonel Henry Gariepy page 257

There is a redeemer Jesus, God's own Son Precious Lamb of God, Messiah Holy One

Jesus my redeemer Name above all names Precious Lamb of God, Messiah Oh, for sinners slain

When I stand in Glory I will see His face And there I'll serve my King forever In that Holy Place

Thank you, oh my father For giving us Your Son And leaving Your Spirit 'Til the work on Earth is done

Melody Green

I wonder. . .

  • How do you feel about welcoming more people into our corps?

  • What would help people to feel more ‘at home’ when they visit the corps?

  • If someone is searching for God what can we, as a corps, offer them?

Spirit of God,

you are the breath of creation,

the wind of change that blows through our lives,

opening us to new dreams and new hopes,

new life in Jesus Christ.

Forgive us our closed minds

which barricade themselves against new ideas,

preferring the past to what you might want to do through us tomorrow

Forgive our closed eyes

which fail to see the needs of your world,

blind to opportunities of service and love.

Forgive our closed hands

which clutch our gifts and our wealth

for our own use alone.

Forgive us our closed hearts

which limit our affections to ourselves

and our own.

Spirit of new life,

forgive us and break down the prison walls of our selfishness,

that we might be open to your love

and open for the service of your world,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Christopher Ellis

To ponder : On the day of Pentecost how well prepared for the new Believers were the disciples? See Acts 2 verse 41

Another verse to consider is Ephesians 2 verse 8, which says, “For it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s gift, so that no one can boast about it.”

Only by grace can we enter Only by grace can we stand Not by our human endeavour But by the blood of the Lamb Into Your presence You call us You call us to come Into Your presence You draw us And now by Your grace we come Now by Your grace we come

Lord if You mark our transgressions who would stand Thanks to Your grace we are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb Lord if You mark our transgressions who would stand Thanks to Your grace we are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb

Gerrit Gustafson


We have now been able to set up a scheme which will enable you to give in an offering online.  Below  there is a QR code – a square with ‘Givt’ in the middle and black and white squiggles all over it – and when you download the ‘Givt’ app onto your phone or other device you will be able to make a contribution, of whatever amount, to the Corps simply by showing you phone or device  to the QR icon. Here’s what to do :

  1.  Download the app named ‘Givt’ from the Apple ‘App Store’ or ‘Google Play’ on your phone or tablet etc.

  2. Wait for an email from ‘Givt’ which will give you instructions as to how to proceed further

  3. Follow the emailed instructions to register on to the system.

  4. Then when you want to make a donation you simply allow your phone or device to read the QR icon below and enter the amount you want to give – and you’re done!!

The amount will be given anonymously and will be taken from your account not less than 8 days and not more than 11 days from when you made the donation.  The Bank details are safe and secure and 100% of the gift is given to LWH Corps.  Please note that the donation is not instead of your cartridge, - it simply takes the place of your normal ‘Sunday Offering Plate’ gift. Your giving is very important  to the Corps and greatly appreciated.  At this time when we are unable to meet as we used to, we have lost the Offering revenue, so this a great way to keep on supporting the Corps in these difficult times. That’s all there is to it – but If you want clarification on any point please do not hesitate to contact me. God bless Laurence

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Aug 23, 2020

Many thanks for your thought-provoking words to us this morning Major. God bless you in your Ministry

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